How To Use Calorie Cycling To Quickly Lose Pounds Of Fat While Enjoying All Of Your Favorite Foods!

Submitted by: Omar Ugalde-Munoz

If there is one common denominator with diets and weight loss programs, it is that all require nutritional reductions and deprivation of some kind in order to lose fat fast: reduce carbs, reduce fats, reduce calories, REDUCE and LOSE! This is a guaranteed failure approach that causes only short-term weight loss followed by rebound weight gain.

Losing weight is not natural for the body, just the opposite, it’s preference is to store calories in the form of fat in anticipation of a possible famine. When you deprive your body of essential nutrition, you eventually send it into starvation/survival mode, which triggers a response that signals your brain to slow metabolism and preserve fat stores, while eating away at your muscle protein stores.

This does not happen immediately, however, there is a lag time for the body to perceive the signal that you are intending on starving itself to lose weight. There is a way to effectively burn fat fast with this short-term approach that mimics the survival approach of low calories while blasting fat away, while sparing lean muscle tissue.


The title of this article actually reveals the secret – calorie cycling! But the trick is to take advantage of the lag time effect and avoid sending the body into starvation mode. We accomplish this feat with short, drastic fluctuations in calories (high/low), that triggers quick fat loss, followed by a recovery phase of high calories to restore the metabolic rate and prime the body for another bout of fat loss.

Begin with 3-5 days of extremely low calories to trigger the intense fat burning effect, then switch to a high calorie intake for 1-2 days to restore metabolism. Most weight loss enthusiasts who embark on a low calorie diet notice significant results in the first two weeks. This is because their metabolism is running so high due to their normal high calorie diet.

However, after this brief initial period fat slows to a crawl and eventually stops(2-3 weeks). At this point most individuals commit metabolic suicide by continuing to LOWER their calories even more! The exact opposite approach is needed to raise the metabolism and restore your body’s ability to burn fat while avoiding starvation mode.

Take the time and experiment with this fantastic fat loss method that produces quick results. An ideal real world approach to this method would be to diet Mon-Fri with a low calorie diet consisting of wholesome foods and plenty of vegetables, then come Friday night, start your high calorie phase into Sunday night! You can enjoy greasy fast foods such as burgers, pizza, hot dogs, and beer!

Just keep in mind that the purpose of this brief high calorie phase is to raise your metabolic rate and restore your body’s ability to burn fat while avoiding starvation mode. You will also notice that you gain and lose weight quickly with this approach, with a net loss in bodyfat. This is an extreme dietary approach and should only be used for 2-3 months at a time.

At which point you should balance your calories for 2-3 months and eat healthy. Remember that a well balanced diet consisting of healthy fats, good carbs, and moderate protein, along with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables is the ideal long -term approach to sustaining your target weight. But for fast weight loss results, CALORIE CYCLING is KING!

About the Author: Omar Ugalde-Munoz is a life-long health and fitness enthusiast. Having once struggled with weight, Omar shed over 40lbs. of fat while simultaneously adding 15lbs. of muscle. Get quick tips on how to drop fat fast without starving and excessive exercise by visiting his blog at


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